Author & Broadcaster

  Ops Control Centre...

...this is the spot where you can get in touch with us

It's Good to Talk...

We love hearing from you!

Professional Enquiries

Johnny Mans is Jeremy's Managing Agent and handles all of his media engagements, commercial support and publicity.  

If you are interested in contacting Jeremy for any professional reason, then Johnny's on hand to assist and can be contacted using this handy form, or if you prefer, you can send him an e-mail with details of your enquiry. 

Show Feedback, Music Dedications and General Enquiries

If you'd like to send us some feedback about Boarding Now or On air with Jezza, you can do so using the adjacent form. You can also use this form to send us your dedication requests for Jeremy's audio podcast.

Live Chat @ The HUB  is open MON - FRI  10:00 - 15:00 (UK Time)

Getting in Touch with Jeremy